Getting Started with Google Keyword Planner: The First Steps


Be logged in. This data will relate to the account you used for research, so it is important to always keep the session active.

For ad campaigns, the account must have some additional settings, such as billing information.

It makes sense when we think that to use this in commercial ways, the first ones to do so are usually companies.

Discover New Keywords

There are two ways to search here: manually entering keywords, all related to your company or business, and entering a website URL like

The differences are several. When searching for keywords, the planner gives several metrics within the number of words you searched, as well as an average number of suggestions based on it.

Let’s continue with the example of the food restaurant: using the keywords “restaurant and restaurant with (location)”, with common keywords like the restaurant we got more than two thousand keyword suggestions within the planner.

Each keyword has a different average of monthly searches and a level of competition, so you can know how difficult it will be to be among those results.

The following metrics, still in the same spreadsheet, are the minimum and maximum bid at the top of the page, which relate to the minimum and maximum amount paid by competitors using those keywords.

This is important to know because, if you pay less than your competition, you will obviously have less visibility, as it is fueling ad campaigns.

The planner itself gives you suggestions for other words too, so you can spend a lot of time discovering which ones are most relevant.

The search by URL is more specific since you can use your own website, but you can also use the competition’s and this does not constitute industrial espionage.

In this method, you enter the URL and obtain the keywords used on that website, whether it is the entire website or just one of its pages. 

You can know the amount paid in those bids too, but specifically what that site paid, so you can base yourself on your competitors to get ahead.

Search Volumes and Forecasts

It’s ideal to enter the keywords you’ve already selected, and then create a campaign based on them.

Considering that the average value per day is $20.00, then campaigns cost over $600.00 per month. Depending on your billing, this won’t be a problem.

Once again we emphasize: Creating ad campaigns is not a rule, companies choose to do this because it is a useful strategy to achieve more visibility.

However, the company’s theme and niche also play a role in determining its usefulness, and not everyone can easily advertise on Google.

An example of this is websites with adult content, such as adult shops and adult toy stores. This type of thing will have to be “mitigated” in the face of the Google algorithm and in conjunction with Google My Business.

Google Keyword Planner + digital marketing and SEO

When you generate a relevant amount of keywords to reach your audience’s best searches, use them in conjunction with other techniques that we will show below:

Blogs for those who want to produce content

Each of the keywords can be a different article on your blog or even specific social media content.

Like this? You already know how to use a search list and can employ it to generate content that will attract attention in various places and direct it toward you.

Texts on social networks or blog content are good examples of this, so you comply with some of Google‘s requirements in producing usefulness for the user and offering good experiences within the page.

Updated profile on different platforms

Google My Business, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Always have your company profile well organized and with as many reviews as possible to create engagement and trust in the leads who will see your content.

Never forget to feed social media with original content and images of your work, this way, in addition to meeting other different algorithm metrics, it also gives the company a friendly face.

A well-optimized and functional website

Choose the most effective ways of hosting and ensuring the security of your website, so you only have to worry about producing satisfactory content and reaching a larger audience.

After considering everything, simply concentrating on keywords isn’t sufficient. Even if your website has a wide reach, it must provide excellent user experiences, it will become a negative reference in Google’s rankings, right?


There are multiple ways to reach the top and, as technologies advance, it becomes more difficult to be there, precisely because of the number of options available.

We are in the era of hyperconnection, the online environment ends up gaining more strength than the physical connections we make. There are many strategies to gain customers, however, you need to be very smart about it.

The more convenience we have, the more we forget some basic principles. For example: here you learned how to use Google Keyword Planner to leverage your metrics, but is the content you have to offer together useful to your audience?

Of course, we are not saying that this is essential, but rather that, as time passes, simply complying with Google’s requirements will not be enough, after all, your client is in charge.

Take advantage of the information we give you to generate useful content research and organic ways to reach more audiences. We strongly recommend not being held hostage only by tools like the topic of this article.

They are valuable and should be utilized, but they should not be the sole focus. A company should prioritize customer care beyond sales percentages to ensure that its interests align with the customer’s needs.

It is a way of guaranteeing ethics in a market that overruns the competition and generates distrust in its customers, therefore, be a differentiator and earn their trust through honesty.

Furthermore, it is a golden opportunity to create an organized team that can support itself, since a team that researches in depth on each topic that concerns it grows more easily.

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