Google Keyword Planner: discover the ideal tool to increase your results with SEO.

The Google Keyword Planner (Google Keyword Planner, as it is also known) is made for those who want to choose the most used words in searches and locate themselves accordingly.
Creating content for each of them or indexing pages with the selected words, in short, there are many ways to use it to your advantage and here we will tell you some of the most effective ones. Check out the text below and enjoy reading!
An online world needs rules and organization, so there are many details when it comes to increasing the reach of your searches. This happens not just for companies, but for any website in general, regardless of its size or revenue.
With this in mind, many people use the most varied SEO (Search Engine Optimization) control tools and earn more money or obtain more leads easily.
Developed by Google and easy to use, Google Keyword Planner is one of these tools and works for anyone who wants to better locate themselves among keywords and achieve greater reach. Thus, it is aimed at companies and people who want to use research metrics to their advantage and manage their data.
Writing: UX Writing, keywords and Readability
For those who use WordPress and are used to SEO plugins, you will remember the term readability.
This word is what guarantees that the text is concise and acceptable according to various writing rules. Most of the time, these rules are used in blog posts and persuasive articles.
UX Writing refers to the reading experience offered to the user. We generally prioritize content with extended usefulness, eliminating the need for constant updates for public use.
Readability is part of UX Writing, but not limited to it. To create content that is pleasing to a wide range of audiences, it is common to use a specific style guide, with common expressions and terms to make it easier to read and understand for as many people as possible.
Likewise, keywords and the number of times they appear throughout the text make it easier to find that specific page in Google results and other search engines.
Google Indexing and Website Optimization
Each page and website is located within Google with specific keywords that are relevant to their respective topics. This way, when searching for several items within the same topic, we can find several results that are the same or come from the same website.
Of course, if a person wants as much visibility as possible, they will use multiple keywords and keep the site organized according to Google metrics, which is the most used and arguably the most famous engine on the market.
If the page loads within the desired time and if the layout and website are responsive to the user, all of this adds up points for the optimization to be successful.
Thus, balancing all the most important points, we guarantee that paying to be on Google is not the most viable option.
What are Keywords?
Keywords are the most valuable resource to appear in the search results that your target audience generates. They are the way the public researches a certain topic.
So when we search for something on Google, there are specific words that we use. For example: to find out which are the most famous restaurants and their location when we travel, we search for something like “restaurants in xxxx” or “all-you-can-eat restaurants in xxxx”, or even “vegan restaurants in xx”.
This variety of research is what companies explore: by indexing the website on Google using a vast list of keywords (user searches), the company appears to everyone who searches for its product or service.
This presence can be very vast because it will depend on how many optimization mechanisms the company is using.
I’m sure you’ve already researched soft drinks or drinks and, shortly after, advertisements for famous brands started appearing for you.
Google integrates with several other mechanisms, and when you log in, it stores data about your searches and visits, tailoring ads to align with your actions.
For this reason and also because companies pay to advertise in different ways, both directly and indirectly, within websites that are related to their theme (the company).
And all of this revolves around keywords. In other words, companies conduct thorough research on the searches that users perform the most, and Google organizes this information, defining metrics and lists for the number of searches for each keyword.
In the next section, you will understand how this applies.
What is Google Keyword Planner?
Google Keyword Planner is a tool used by companies and website owners to find out what type of research is most effective within each area.
Let’s go back to the restaurant example: being the owner of the website and having an all-you-can-eat restaurant, my objective is to know which searches are related to what I offer and which will bring me the most hits per month.
Going to Google Keyword Planner, I will enter some common keywords (restaurant with all-you-can-eat, restaurant with all-you-can-eat value, restaurant with all-you-can-eat in xxxx) and then just see the results.
From there, I will choose the keywords that will guarantee the most hits per month and this, consequently, will bring me a variable, but solid, number of customers per month.
This case is more specific as it involves one factor: restaurants are physical establishments, therefore, an online presence alone is not sustainable, it is also necessary to be on Google My Business.
What’s the difference? It turns out that, when searching for establishments, Google organizes the results by showing a list of businesses close to the user or in the specified location.
This way, few users will care about the results below these businesses, even if the website is perfect.
In a situation where a couple travels to a big city and searches for bars and clubs to have fun with friends, they are unlikely to see or even know about those who do not appear in their search results.
It’s as if they didn’t exist for those two. There are countless situations that result in the same result, so it is interesting to know what the needs are, in addition to choosing the best keywords.
Researching and creating campaigns in Google Keyword Planner
For a good introduction, let’s start with the steps to follow until we get to creating an ad campaign.
It is important to remember that this step is not mandatory, you can use the keyword planner just as a research reference.
As it is a part of Google Ads, after filtering the desired keywords, you can start a paid ad campaign with a daily budget.
Get to know: The Initial Steps to Use Google Keyword Planner